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Freelance Digital Marketer & Copywriter

Let’s understand my digital marketing and copywriting expertise.

About Me

After 10 years in the trenches, I’ve honed my SEO skills across various roles. Leading large SEO teams in web agencies and driving Marketing Director-level results for 7-figure companies, I’ve consistently boosted client revenue by over $10 million. Now, I’m passionate about sharing my expertise as a freelance SEO consultant, helping businesses achieve impactful growth. I also enjoy teaching others how to simplify SEO for real-world results.

Imran Seaview

15+ Years of Driving Results Through Strategic Copywriting & Content Marketing

I’m Imran, a passionate digital marketer with over 15 years of experience crafting compelling copy that converts.

I help businesses leverage the power of digital marketing to achieve their goals. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients across various industries, crafting effective marketing plans that boost sales and deliver a strong ROI.

My secret weapon? Fresh, conversational writing that resonates with today’s online audience. I translate complex concepts into engaging content that drives action.

Whether you’re a local business or a global enterprise, I can help you reach your target market. From website copy and landing pages to social media content and blog posts, I create a comprehensive content strategy that positions you for success.

My long-term client relationships are a testament to the effectiveness of my approach. Businesses trust me to deliver a wide range of copywriting projects, including website content, brochures, email campaigns, video scripts, and more.

My expertise goes beyond captivating words. I hold a BS degree in Computer Science and an MBA in Marketing, giving me a strong foundation in communication and business strategy. But what truly sets me apart is my:

  • Ability to craft clear, concise, and creative copy that grabs attention.
  • Experience in creating content for diverse industries.
  • Project management skills to ensure seamless execution from start to finish.
  • Collaboration expertise to work effectively with your team.
  • Dedication to meeting deadlines, even under pressure, with a positive attitude.

Let’s discuss how I can help your business thrive in the digital age.

freelance digital marketer

My Deep Understanding of Digital Marketing Expertise

SEO Freelancer

In today’s digital world, a strong online presence is crucial for any business, regardless of location. Search engines and social media are powerful tools for reaching potential customers, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the key to unlocking their full potential.

Why SEO Matters

Studies show that a significant portion of online users rely on search engines to find products and services. By optimizing your website for these search engines, you increase your chances of appearing in relevant search results, attracting more qualified traffic, and ultimately driving conversions.

My Approach to SEO

I stay ahead of the curve by utilizing proven SEO strategies that comply with the latest search engine algorithms. Through years of experience, I’ve developed a comprehensive approach that combines both on-page and off-page optimization techniques.

SEO expert
  • On-Page SEO: This involves optimizing various elements within your website to make it search engine friendly. I’ll ensure proper implementation of meta tags, alt tags, internal linking, content optimization, heading tags, and more. Additionally, I’ll create and manage essential files like .htaccess, robots.txt, and sitemaps.

  • Off-Page SEO: This focuses on building your website’s authority and credibility through external factors. My off-page strategies include link building through social bookmarking, directory submissions, infographic creation, and guest blogging, among others.

Global Reach, Personalized Service

I cater to businesses worldwide, helping them achieve top rankings in search engines across different regions. With my SEO expertise, you can expect:

  • Improved website visibility
  • Increased organic traffic
  • Enhanced brand awareness
  • Measurable results

Partner with a Trusted SEO Expert

Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, I can tailor an SEO strategy to meet your specific needs and goals. Let’s work together to elevate your online presence and attract a global audience.

Contact me today for a free consultation!

Freelance web designer

Freelance Web Designer

I specialize in three key areas that work together to make your website a success: UX design, web development, and SEO.

UX Design: I put your users first. My designs are not just visually stunning, they’re also intuitive and accessible for everyone. This means a smooth and enjoyable experience that keeps visitors coming back.

Web Development: I bring those designs to life! My development skills ensure your website is responsive (looks great on all devices), fast-loading, and functions flawlessly.

SEO Powerhouse: I understand the power of SEO and optimize every aspect of your website to boost its visibility and attract your ideal audience. This means more targeted traffic and ultimately, more business for you.

By combining these skills, I create compelling online experiences that capture attention, build brand recognition, and fuel your business growth. Let’s chat about your project!

Avoiding Web Design Disaster: 5 Crucial Mistakes to Dodge

Tired of hearing about website woes? You’re not alone. Countless businesses fall victim to common pitfalls when hiring web designers. But fear not! Here’s your guide to the top 5 mistakes that can derail your online presence, along with tips to ensure a successful project (whether you choose me or another designer).

Mistake #5: All Shine, No Substance

Just because a designer creates stunning websites doesn’t guarantee success. Look beyond a flashy portfolio. A truly skilled designer aligns captivating visuals with clear business goals. Imagine a website that looks amazing but struggles to attract customers – like a bag of chips that appears full but offers mostly air. The same goes for design. Don’t be fooled by empty aesthetics.

The Fix: Check out a designer’s past projects. Visit their websites, not just images. Do they function well on different devices? Beauty with brains is the key!

Mistake #4: Trendy Tools, Short-Term Trouble

Jumping on the latest design fads or DIY platforms might seem tempting, but it can backfire. Your website could become outdated quickly and lack the flexibility to grow with your business. Rebuilding a site due to a defunct platform can cost tens of thousands, not to mention the SEO hit and lost audience trust.

The Fix: Look for designers who utilize proven, long-lasting technologies. This ensures your website stays relevant and adapts to your evolving needs, saving you money and headaches.

Mistake #3: Looks Don’t Sell (Alone)

Prioritizing aesthetics over functionality is a recipe for disaster. A gorgeous website that’s difficult to navigate or lacks clear calls to action won’t convert visitors. This can cripple your marketing efforts, potentially costing you over half your online sales potential.

The Fix: Hire a designer who prioritizes both. Every design element should have a purpose – to enhance user experience, guide visitors, and ultimately drive sales.

Mistake #2: Launch and Abandon

A designer who disappears after launch leaves you with a stagnant website in a constantly evolving digital landscape. Without updates and security measures, your site’s performance and security can plummet. This can cost you not only in lost sales but also in potential breach recovery expenses, which can average around $15,000 for small businesses.

The Fix: Choose a designer who offers ongoing support and optimization. Your website launch is just the beginning! Look for someone who helps your site grow with your business and keeps it secure and effective.

Mistake #1: Lost at Sea Without a Compass

Hiring a designer who lacks a deep understanding of your business is like navigating without a map. A website that doesn’t reflect your brand or fails to resonate with your target audience creates a disconnect that can damage your credibility and market share.

The Fix: Find a designer who invests time in understanding your business goals, target audience, and brand identity. This ensures your website becomes a true extension of your brand, attracting your ideal customers and driving conversions.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you’ll be well on your way to a website that delivers results and fuels your business growth.

Freelance Social Media Marketer

Ready to ditch the marketing overwhelm? That’s where I come in, Imran, your digital marketing and social media freelancer with over 15 years of experience and a track record of thrilled clients.

Marketing is my jam. While you focus on your brilliance, I’ll handle the strategy and execution. My superpower? Relentless data analysis – I’m obsessed with seeing those numbers climb!

My toolbox is overflowing: social media mastery, effective online ads, insightful consultations, and impactful training programs. I speak fluent digital lingo, but I also cherish the power of classic persuasion tactics.

Results, you say? I’ve got a portfolio bursting with case studies proving increased ROI, glowing testimonials, and a network of happy referrals. Plus, I’m fully qualified and insured for your peace of mind.

Need a one-time strategy boost? Let’s brainstorm in an hour-long workshop. Craving complete social media domination? I can handle full campaign management and content creation. The choice is yours!

Let’s unlock your growth potential together. Contact me today!

From strategy to execution, I’ve got you covered. Whether you need a helping hand or a full-fledged marketing machine, I offer a range of customizable services tailored to your specific needs.

Social Media Management: My team can become your social media dream team! We handle everything from content creation and engaging copywriting to scheduling posts and managing online communities. We even take care of social advertising across platforms like Meta (Facebook & Instagram), LinkedIn, and TikTok.

Influencer Marketing Powerhouse: Looking to leverage the power of influencers? We can help! Our influencer marketing packages include concept development, influencer sourcing, relationship management, and detailed reporting. Plus, we handle the whole gifting process for a seamless experience.

Deep Dives:

  • Community Engagement: We’ll ensure your social media presence is buzzing with activity by responding to comments, complaints, messages, and requests.
  • Reporting & Analysis: Data-driven decisions are key. We provide insightful reports to help you track results and optimize your marketing efforts.

Level Up Your Team:

Training: Empower your team with my comprehensive training programs. Covering everything from email management and social media mastery to content creation and WordPress management, I can help your team thrive in the digital marketing world.

Consulting: Need to refine your marketing message? My consulting packages cater to businesses of all sizes. We can delve into areas like customer journey mapping, brand positioning, content strategy, and value proposition development.

Let’s discuss your unique needs and craft a customized plan to propel your brand forward!

Freelance Content Writer & Copywriter

I Help Businesses Explode with Persuasive Copywriting

Tired of flat copy that flops? As a freelance copywriter, I’m here to inject your marketing with words that pack a punch. I don’t just write, I craft compelling narratives that generate leads, convert prospects, and build brands that stand out from the crowd.

Think of me as your secret weapon. I’ll help you:

  • Attract Your Ideal Audience: No more shouting into the void. I write magnetic messages that resonate with the right people, drawing them into your world.
  • Turn Lookers into Loyal Fans: Seamlessly guide visitors through your sales funnel with copy that converts. Watch your ROI skyrocket as leads blossom into loyal customers.
  • Forge a Powerful Brand Identity: Together, we’ll craft a brand voice that sings. Let’s build a brand that resonates with your audience and fosters long-term trust.

I’m a one-stop shop for all your copywriting needs. Whether it’s website copy, email campaigns, or social media content, I’ll craft words that captivate and compel.

Ready to unlock the power of persuasive copywriting? Let’s chat about your project and see how I can help your business explode!

Fuel the Power of Words with My Copywriting Expertise

First impressions matter. Especially in the digital age, where your website is often the first encounter potential customers have with your brand. Let me craft compelling website copy that tells your story elegantly and persuasively, showcasing your company’s unique value proposition.

Beyond Websites: Driving Sales and Engagement

My copywriting services extend far beyond websites. I can help you:

  • Craft irresistible product descriptions: Turn website visitors into enthusiastic buyers with detailed, engaging descriptions that highlight how your products improve their lives.
  • Design laser-focused landing pages: Cut through the online noise with targeted content that speaks directly to your ideal audience and promotes a specific product, service, or application.
  • Revive the power of brochures: Whether it’s digital or print, brochures remain a valuable tool in your marketing arsenal. I can help you create compelling content that effectively conveys your message.
  • Craft compelling sales letters: Reach out to your audience with persuasive copy that articulates the benefits of your product and inspires action.

Building Authority and Brand Recognition

  • Boost your online presence with press releases: New products, awards, and milestones deserve to be celebrated! My press releases ensure you maximize visibility for these noteworthy achievements.
  • Nurture relationships with captivating newsletters: Engaging content keeps you at the forefront of your customer’s mind, building authority and establishing lasting connections.
  • Become an industry leader with insightful blog posts: A blog becomes a platform to share your expertise, attract new prospects, and solidify your reputation as a thought leader.

Showcase Success and Drive Results

  • Tell compelling stories with case studies: Let real-life success stories do the talking! I can help you craft engaging narratives that demonstrate how your product delivers real-world value.
  • Optimize your website for search engines: SEO is the key to unlocking the power of online advertising. I can help you improve your website’s ranking, driving organic traffic and boosting your visibility.

Polishing Your Voice and Professionalism

  • Elevate your content with copy editing and proofreading: Ensure your message is clear, concise, and error-free. I offer thorough editing and proofreading services to maximize the effectiveness and professionalism of your written content.

This list is just a glimpse into the full range of copywriting services I offer. With over 25 years of experience, I’ve crafted content for a wide variety of formats, including ads, product labels, catalogs, and more.

Let’s discuss your project and unlock the power of words together!

Freelance Branding Services

I Build Winning Brands for Startups

Does your brand feel more beige than brilliant? As a branding freelancer, I help early-stage companies like yours stand out from the herd and shine like unicorns!

Forget the impersonal agency experience. I’m here to personally guide you through crafting a brand that connects deeply with your audience, captivates investors, and leaves the competition speechless.

Here’s what sets me apart:

  • Unicorn-Worthy Branding: I will develop a unique brand identity that reflects your company’s core values and story, making you instantly recognizable.
  • Websites Built to Convert: Your website won’t just look good – it will be a powerful tool for attracting customers and driving sales.
  • Investor Magnet: I’ll help you showcase your company’s potential with a brand that inspires confidence and trust.

Skip the hefty agency fees. I offer personalized attention and a results-oriented approach tailored to your specific needs and budget.

Ready to unleash your inner unicorn and take your brand to the next level? Let’s chat!

Freelance Graphic Designer

People are wired for visuals. A well-crafted design isn’t just pretty, it’s a powerful tool that grabs attention and gets results.

I’m Imran, a freelance graphic designer passionate about creating impactful visuals that elevate your brand and drive action.

High-impact design, built for success. I combine creativity with print expertise, ensuring your designs translate seamlessly to any format, from digital screens to physical flyers.

Together, we can create:

  • Memorable Logos & Branding: A strong logo is the cornerstone of your brand identity. Let’s create a visual symbol that reflects your company’s essence and resonates with your audience.
  • Engaging Newsletters & Brochures: Informative and visually appealing, your marketing materials will captivate readers and inspire action.
  • Eye-Catching Advertising: Whether it’s print ads or social media graphics, I’ll craft designs that stop the scroll and get noticed.
  • Powerful Illustrations: Add impact to your signage, posters, and banners with illustrations that tell a story and capture attention.
  • Cohesive Marketing Materials: From annual reports to sales presentations, I ensure a consistent visual language across all your marketing efforts.


You’ll receive print-ready files and the satisfaction of knowing your brand is represented by compelling, visually stunning designs.

No agency overhead, just personalized service. I work closely with you to understand your needs and deliver impactful design solutions that meet your budget and goals.

Ready to unlock the power of visual storytelling? Let’s create something amazing together!

Press Release writing

Freelance Press Release Writer

Expert Press Release Writing for Your Brand

Ready to turn news into buzz? As a freelance press release writer, I craft compelling stories that showcase your brand, drive traffic, and elevate your online presence.

Why choose me?

  • Media Magnet: I write powerful, newsworthy press releases that grab attention and establish you as an industry leader.
  • Fast & Flawless: I deliver impeccably written, media-ready content that saves you time and ensures a smooth distribution process.
  • Your Voice, Amplified: I collaborate with you to craft a unique message that resonates with your target audience.
  • Unlimited Edits: I’m dedicated to your satisfaction. Enjoy unlimited revisions at no extra cost.

No More Guesswork:

  • Experienced Expertise: Leverage my years of experience and diverse writing skills to create impactful press releases for any industry.
  • The Human Touch: Forget faceless agencies. I offer personalized service and clear communication throughout the process.
  • Cost-Effective Impact: Get high-quality content delivered quickly and affordably, without breaking the bank.

What You Get:

  • Attention-grabbing headlines that capture interest.
  • Compelling narratives that showcase your brand’s value.
  • Search engine optimized content for greater visibility.
  • Flawless grammar and formatting for professional credibility.

Let Your Story Shine:

Forget the days of generic press releases. Invest in powerful storytelling that drives results.

Ready to share your news with the world? Let’s chat!

A Range of Creative & Marketing Solutions

I’m a passionate freelancer with a diverse skillset, dedicated to helping businesses like yours thrive. From crafting captivating animations to building targeted marketing campaigns, I offer a comprehensive range of services to elevate your brand and achieve your goals.

Ready to take your brand to the next level? Let’s explore how I can assist you in:

Creative Services:

  • Animation: Breathe life into your ideas with engaging animations that capture attention and tell your story in a visually stunning way.
  • Video Creation: From concept development to final edit, I produce high-quality videos that connect with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Marketing Expertise:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Increase your online visibility and attract qualified leads by implementing effective SEM strategies.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Drive targeted traffic to your website and generate leads through strategic PPC campaigns.
digital marketing services

While these are my core offerings, my experience extends beyond. Feel free to discuss any additional creative or marketing needs you might have.

Let’s collaborate and unlock the full potential of your brand!

Let's Get Started!

Ready to take your brand to the next level? Let's chat about how I can help!